Is Your Dog Suffering from Allergies?

Brown Dog Scratching his back laying in the grass

Brown Cocker Spaniel Scratching his Back While Laying in the Grass

Pollen from grass, trees, weeds and plants, mold and even strong winds trigger allergies in more than 50+ million Americans! But did you know these allergens can also affect your dog?


K9 Environmental & Food Allergens

Experts believe up to 20% of canines will develop allergies over their lifetime. Allergic reactions can be triggered by environmental allergens including:

  • Grasses

  • Dust Mites

  • Pests

  • Pollens

  • Feathers

  • Medications

  • Molds

  • Chemicals

  • Cigarette Smoke

Also, approximately 10% of dogs with allergies will be challenged with food sensitivities or intolerances including some proteins (i.e., chicken, beef, and pork), grains (like wheat), additives, soy, eggs, and dairy.

Intolerances are different from food allergies. Unlike true allergies, intolerances do not involve an immune response and are a genetic reaction to an offending food or ingredient causing vomiting, diarrhea or dermatological signs (see below).


Purify your indoor air with these 8 Pet-Safe Plants Below!


K9 Breeds Most Affected by Allergies

  • American/French Bulldog

  • Bichon Frise

  • Boston/Bull Terrier

  • Boxer

  • Chinese Shar-Pei

  • Cocker Spaniel

  • Doberman Pincher

  • English Setter

  • German Shepherd

  • Golden/Labrador Retriever

  • Maltese

  • Pit Bull Terrier

  • Pug

  • Standard Poodle

Symptoms Your Dog May Have Allergies

  • Scratching

  • Licking

  • Hot Spots/Red Skin

  • Chewing

  • Sneezing

  • Hair Loss

  • Poor Skin or Coat

  • Rubbing Face

  • Runny/Bloodshot Eyes

  • Chronic Ear/Foot Infections

  • Licking or Chewing Feet/Base of Tail


8 Pet-Safe Plants that Purify Indoor Air!

Purify Your Indoor Air with These Pet-Safe Plants (Courtesy: Dr. Karen Becker)

Purify Your Indoor Air with These Pet-Safe Plants (Courtesy: Dr. Karen Becker)