Service Dog Training (SDIT) Puppy Raising Program
Our volunteer Puppy Raisers introduce our dogs to the world and provide our dogs with lots of love and the critical foundation to be successful Mobility Service Dogs. This program teaches the dogs basic obedience, exposes and socializes the dogs to the outside world, and introduces the foundations for key tasks the dogs will learn to perform. Puppy Raisers attend weekly virtual meetups to discuss the dogs’ growth and development milestones, key training tools, tips, fun games to play as well as challenges and successes.
Service Dog Program
MobilityDog raises, trains, and matches poodles with mobility-impaired individuals. Our poodles are donated from top-shelf breeders whose priorities are the health, temperament, working ability, and longevity of their dogs. A Service Dog is a living, breathing animal who is our responsibility to care for as they care for the Handlers. A happy dog makes the best service dog! When the work harness comes off, then it is playtime with its Handler. It takes a remarkable canine to become a Service Dog.
Building Community
We offer six Tuesday Meet Ups each month! Four PUPPY MEET UPS for our Service Dog Handlers, Raisers, and Trainers. And Second Tuesday TOGETHER is for people with disabilities who are looking for a community who understands and can share pathways so they can live by their dream. MobilityDog provides a network to support a community to share with, enhance life, training, human rights for people with disabilities under the ADA, FHA, Rehabilitation Act, State, and Federal Government laws; as well as speakers, art, and education to live a full life. MobilityDog is here to support each individual's journey towards FUNctional independence.
* Public Access Test with Certified PAT Evaluator
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