Our Raisers & Handlers & Trainers

They are the WHY of our mission!

Introducing MobilityDog's MobilityTools -Puppy Raisers and Service Dog Trainers!

SD Team Roxy & natalie

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SDiT Team Angela & Akira

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SD Team Rachel & Bailey


Sdit team jack & Olivia


SDiT TEAM MONTY & Puppy raiser Berta


Sd Team Sir Baldwin & Alex


SDit Team sir baldwin & Puppy Raiser Ruth Miille

In Ruth’s words: Being a Puppy Raiser is an honor. To improve and change the life of someone with a disability and allow them to participate in their community, in their job and be involved with their friends and family is very heartwarming. As a Puppy Raiser you can make this difference. You give your heart and soul to a young pup, teach them the basics of life and prepare them for “college” with the professional trainers.

Baldwin has a best friend: my kitty named Oreo.

Baldwin puts up with a lot of my goofy ideas, but is well socialized and has great manners (most of the time). He goes to baseball games, parties, plays, concerts, on train rides, trolley rides, and lots of everyday life shopping, etc.

Update: Spring, 2019, Sir Baldwin met his forever handler! He is a rockstar, thank you Ruth!





SD Team Darlene Melvin & TANGO

In Darlene’s words: The puppy that I have received to raise is a standard poodle named Tango, and he is one that has a lot of personality, curiosity, and intelligence.

I have my disabilities of multiple sclerosis and degenerative spine disease. I have trained my dogs, and their instincts have served me well in helping me deal with my random ms symptoms of balance, fatigue and getting me through healing times from spinal surgeries.

SD TEAM bombay & Kristen

As told by Kristen:
We are the First SDiT Team that the co-founder Janie matched. I am an ADA Handler, and Bombay is my second mobility service dog. Bombay was rescued from a shelter by a friend of MobilityDog in Los Angeles at about 14 months of age and was a great fit. I met Janie and learned about MobilityDog online in a Service Dog Forum.

First time in 12 years that I have been able to travel alone without a person to help me! Thank you MobilityDog and especially thank you to Janie, you are fantastic.

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SDiT Team carmine & Dina

In Dina’s words: I became a puppy raiser in order to provide freedom to those with disabilities. It’s a truly magical and rewarding experience. 

I have raised 2 successful puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind.

Update: January 2019, Carmine is working with her forever SD Handler doing mobility and PSTD work! Thank you, Dina.

SDIT TEAM PEPPER & Co-Puppy Raisers Junko & Tom

SD Team winston & Isabelle

sd team layla & Nicole

SDit team layla & Puppy Raiser Alysia

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SD Team Heather & Tabitha Hellman & Edison

In Heather’s words: Watching my amazing, kind, hard-working, smart, capable daughter unable to get up off the floor is devastating. I have watched my daughter’s world narrow under the symptoms of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome for the past two years, but now finally thanks to Edison and MobilityDog, there is hope, her world is starting to open again and my fears for her are subsiding. 

Edison gives my daughter something positive to focus on related to her illness. His care and training add a new sense of purpose to her days and pride instead of embarrassment. It has served as a great opportunity to educate people both about service dogs and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. Edison is bringing much life and levity back into our house though.

Our family and support community are profoundly grateful for Janie and Mobility Dogs!




SDiT Ollie & co-Puppy raisers Polina & Kendra

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SDIT HAMPTON & Puppy raiser Elizabeth

In Lizzie’s words: Hampton shows more improvement every day and is incredible in public places, especially restaurants; he loves sleeping under the tables. I have never met a dog with a better temperament, and I don’t know if I ever will.

I love the bond you get with these puppies and how you watch them grow and strive to help someone who will really need it.

UPDATE: Hampton has flown with one of his Service Dog Trainers, Gina, to Little Rock, AK, to meet his forever handler, Dani! All is going well. Thank you, Lizzie!


SD Team Janie Heinrich & Beckett

In Janie’s words: Beckett’s x-rays and training markers allows him to function at my side in a full mobility harness! Beckett has learned to push buttons, turn on lights, counterbalance me for walking, catches me when I fall. He picks up dropped credit cards and is learning to force open doors with a bar, not a button. Beckett makes it possible for me to live a full and vibrant life. Deeply touched and grateful to his trust, brilliance, and extreme calm demeanor. Each day we learn a new task as we perfect the true tested ones. He loves to travel by car, boat, plane, or train. My life is free because he is at my side! Working with my Service Dog Trainer and Relationship Dog Trainer is a very hands-on interactive experience. MobilityDog is a gift to many!


SDIT TEam Lido & Co-Raisers Cathy & Kari


SDit and sd TEAM RASTA & Puppy raiser André

SD team jake & Joel

honorary handler micheal






sdit team nash & Puppy raiser marina

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In Dani’s words: For the past few years, I have been limited by my mobility and unable to live a full and functional life. 

We are learning to walk together as one unit, which not only amazes me but gives me such hope and newfound determination.  To be able to leave my home without the worry of falling is a gift that I can’t thank MobilityDog enough for!  I feel so fortunate and so very blessed!  Danielle, age 50, Chronic illnesses


SD Team Jae Hemingway & Lynx and Frankie

In Jae’s words: The prospect of raising a dog from a clumsy puppy into a full- fledged service dog, all while being disabled yourself can seem like a handful. Not many people know that it’s actually a significantly rewarding and surprisingly fun process.

Disabilities are unique: people tend to share symptoms, but it’s very rare that any condition is identical between two people. You know exactly what tasks you do or don’t need, what kind of obedience is most important to your lifestyle. There are many pleasant surprises waiting to be discovered along the journey.


Sdit team oliver & Puppy Raiser Jennifer

In Jennifer’s word: I am a web designer, photographer and surfer.  I have started 3 puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind. Oliver Orchid is my first Mobility Service Dog Puppy and first Poodle.

Update: February 10, 2019, Oliver moved on to his evaluation and next phase of training. Thank you, Jennifer!

certified Service dog Trainer- Denise

Sdit team theodore & Puppy raiser Alysia





sdit team nash & co-Raisers Becky & lance

SDiT TEAM BAILEY & Puppy raiser Phil

SDiT Kona and SD Trainer Michelle Hill



sdit arthur & co-Puppy Raisers Catrina & Cailee

In Catrina’s words: My daughter Cailee was diagnosed at the age of two with a very rare retinal disease known as FEVR. I was told that she may go blind, that there is no cure.

After searching and searching for an organization that would allow a child to be involved in puppy raising, I finally found MobilityDog which would allow my daughter and me to raise a SDiT! Cailee will get to experience while she still has sight all the hard work involved in growing up a Service Dog.

Update: In November 2018, Arthur is working with his forever SD Handler; he is amazing! Thank you, Catriena and Cailee!

Puppy Raiser Caretakers of SDiT- Brittany, Felicity, Victoria, & Jamie Jarabek

Victoria's Words at age 6: "I want to teach Edison manners so he can help people. People who have trouble with mobility need a dog that they can depend on. For these people, it is like, well, stand on one leg. You wobble a lot. That is what it is like for them all the time, and they are on two legs. So they really need a dog to help them balance, with walking, with picking up things, with opening doors. It is my job to teach Edison manners, walking, focusing, not to nibble, and be a really good dog, so he can do all these things." Felicity's Words at age 3: “Service dogs help people do things. Beckett helps my Nene walk. I love Gertrude. She is very sweet. She sits with me while I eat. I am teaching her not to take my food. I walk with her in her harness. I give her love so she can give love to someone else. Love is the most important. She is so cute. I love helping her. When I am 12, my mommy says I can be a puppy raiser all on my own. How long till I am 12?"
Brittany’s words: Our family is raising puppies for Mobility Service Dogs West Coast Project. My daughters are learning great responsibility and empathy. It is a joy. Our day starts with outdoor play time, a training session, walking Victoria to School, running errands, playdates, and then picking Victoria up. We really emphasize their vest-time versus collar-time, to help the girls and the puppies understand playing versus working. Being a puppy raiser is a huge commitment but a joyful one. We ALWAYS have one of the puppies with us at all times.

Update: September 2018, Edison is with his Handler doing both Mobility and Medical Alert as a SDiT! September 2018 Gertrude is a pet adopted by an amazing family, sweetest!

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Puppy Raiser- Pam Allen & Papi

In August 2018, MobilityDog welcomed our newest Service Dogs in Training SDiT at our Poodle Puppy Pickup Workshop Party with GrowingUpGuidePup.org!

Welcome to Dina Zidan with Carmine, Jennifer Zweben with Oliver “Ollie” Orchard, Lizzie Staehli with Hampton Gus, and Ajwa Badu, our Puppy Sitter! And Amie Chapman with Pixie, who is part of our community but is raising for Growing up Guide Dogs.            

Life is sweetest when it’s full of puppy breath and great humans with big hearts. 


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