How to Be Prepared BEFORE Your Dog Gets Lost!
Lost Puppy Standing on the Street
The statistics are shocking and sad!
A family pet is lost every 2 seconds.
10 million+ dogs are lost each year.
1 out of 3 pets will be lost during its lifetime.
They are sobering statistics and the reason why shelters continue to be full with so many missing and unidentified pets!
Make sure your pet doesn’t become a statistic!
A Lost Dog Poster Hanging on a Telephone Pole
Dogs become lost or missing when:
There is a theft of an unattended dog in your yard, car or tied outside a store.
There are loud and sudden noises causing frightened dogs to run and hide.
There is a broken fence or one that is too low to keep your dog inside safe.
There is an open, unattended or unlocked door and/or gate.
A dog is let off leash (even with excellent recall).
Traveling or vacationing in an unknown area and your dog wanders off and cannot find his way back to you.
A dog is intentionally displaced or released.
How can you be prepared BEFORE your dog gets lost?
Use the 9 tips below to keep your dog safe and protected! Or if they do become lost, to have them quickly found and returned to you!
Black Labrador Retriever Puppy Safe inside his Crate
Summer is a busy time for visitors, parties and frightening fireworks. Make sure your dog has their own place in your home; a secure room or crate where they can go to relax and feel safe. (And where YOU know they are safe!)
Use a properly-fitted collar with current ID tags. (Reconfirm your contact information is correct - and on file - each year.)
License your dog in your city of residence.
Microchip your dog. (Reconfirm your contact information is correct - and on file - each year.)
Use a tracking device or scannable QR Code tags (learn more below).
Invest in positive reinforcement training to deal with noise phobias which cause some dogs to bolt and run. Regularly reinforce your dog’s recall response.
Use facial recognition technology (learn more below).
Tattoo your dog (inner ear flap, on the stomach or inner leg).
Use DNA genotyping, a unique “pawprint” of your pet’s identity.
With pet theft on the all-time rise, pet parents should consider a combination of Pet ID options!
Collar tags can be lost (or removed) and not all shelters or veterinarians have microchip scanners.
Adding the latest technology (like the solutions below), can help increase your chances of a successful reunion your dog becomes lost and time is of the essence!
Technology Solutions to Bring Your Lost Dog Home