How to Pamper Your Pet by Aurora James



SD Arthur

How to Pamper Your Pet With a Life of Luxury

Most people with pets consider them part of the family, and get enjoyment out of giving them special treatment. Dogs and cats especially love a little pampering from time to time, but most other pets will enjoy the extra attention, too. Whether you use toys, special food, or a comfy pet bed, there are countless ways to treat your pet to a luxurious life. 

Have Play Time 

Dogs and cats both love to play, but their taste in toys will differ a lot. Some dogs are happy with just about anything to chase or chew on, but according to Cesar Millan, aka the Dog Whisperer, you may want to consider your dog’s wild instincts to find toys he’ll truly enjoy. 

Pets love the special attention of getting a toy, but it’s more than that. If your dog doesn’t have something appropriate to chew, it spells trouble for your shoes, throw pillows, or any other personal items you don’t want torn up. Cats can be surprisingly destructive to things like furniture and houseplants when they’re bored, too. 

Of course play time can get messy, so make sure you’ve got cleaning supplies handy to remove spills and stains. For example, you may be able to clean your carpet with a mix of baking soda and vinegar, but stubborn stains will likely require the help of a professional which typically costs between $120 and $230. Look for carpet cleaners that are insured and guarantee satisfaction

Give Him Good Food and Treats 

Just as there fad diets for people, there are trends in pet food such as organic, raw, and grain-free diets. While these might sound healthier for your companion, keep in mind that labeling standards for pet food are not as highly regulated as those for people. For example, Reader’s Digest explains that just about anyone can claim that a dog food is “natural,” but it’s hard to tell exactly what that means without strict industry standards. 

You aren’t necessarily pampering your pet just by purchasing a gourmet or trendy food. In fact, some foods, such as grain-free dog foods, might even be dangerous for your pet’s health unless he has been diagnosed with a grain allergy. 

Reading the ingredient label yourself is the best way to determine if a food provides everything your pet needs in a diet. Your vet can also tell you exactly what your pet’s nutritional needs are in terms of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. 

If you really want to pamper your pet, consider making him some homemade treats every now and then. There are countless fun dog treats and even cat treats that you can make with just a few simple ingredients. 

Have a Pet Bed

Most cats and dogs will make any excuse to get up on the furniture. While it might be nice to have a cuddle with your pets, you probably don’t want them sleeping there all the time. There are many different pet beds to choose from in the store or online. When picking one out, make sure you choose one with quality fabric that’s also machine washable. Pet beds will get covered with fur in no time, so you’ll want to wash them regularly to avoid odors and mess. 

If you’re crafty, it’s also fun to make your own pet bed. Cat beds, for example, can be knit, sewn, or crocheted. Think about the washability when choosing materials for a DIY bed, too. 

Pampering pets is a fun way to bond with your companion and show your love. When choosing toys, food, and other special treats, just remember that shopping for pet items requires you to be a savvy consumer. Not all pet products are created equally, and some may pose a danger even if you have the best intentions. Always research how safe and healthy a product really is before giving it to your pet. 

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