How to Ensure Vacations with Your Dog Are Fun for You Both by Nick Burton


How to Ensure Vacations with Your Dog Are Fun for You Both by Nick Burton

Exploring new destinations with your favorite sidekick can be a blast.  When you’re planning adventures with your pup, it’s important to remember your faithful companion could use some special considerations.  Read on for a few thoughtful precautions that can make a world of difference in whether your trip together is a boon or a bust.  

Find Fido-Friendly Accommodations

Finding appropriate lodging for your canine family member can be a conundrum.  You want a place that’s dog-friendly, but what exactly does that really entail?  Even in a hotel that accepts traveling pets you can feel pretty restricted. Dogs bark, need to go out, and then there are the occasional non-dog-loving fellow travelers who can put a kink in things.  On top of all that, getting in and out of a busy hotel lobby, navigating elevators or stairs, and dodging luggage racks can be challenging for dogs who aren’t used to it.  

Your lodging is also more than just a sleeping arrangement and a place where you come and go.  A basic necessity is an appropriate place to exercise your dog.  Not only do dogs need potty trips, they benefit from stretching their legs.  Just like for people, exercise can release feel-good chemistry, helping your dog feel more relaxed and happy throughout your adventures.  With all that in mind, sometimes it’s easiest on you and your pooch to rent a house. A place with a yard allows your dog to romp and play, and the homey accommodations can help him feel more at ease.  

Finding a dog-friendly vacation rental is a breeze these days.  For instance, if you’re heading to Pasadena, you can easily locate the perfect place for you and your pooch.  A popular tourist destination in the Los Angeles area, Pasadena boasts plenty of opportunities to bond with your pet.  It’s home to a variety of fitness-related activities for you and your pooch, such as hiking at Eaton Canyon Park and letting your dog roam at Alice’s Dog Park.  Plus, you can both dine at one of several dog-friendly restaurants. Once you have a general idea of what amenities you want for you and your pup, Turnkey notes you can easily search and book a vacation rental online that fits the criteria you’re looking for.  

Learn About Limitations

The last thing you want is to experience hiccups in your travels, so frame your itinerary with your furry family member in mind right from the start.  Not only is it worthwhile to find destinations and accommodations that accept pets, it’s in your and your dog’s best interests to consider his personal limitations.  For instance, some dog breeds don’t do well in hot temperatures, and in that case you should plan your trips to destinations with mild climates or during cool times of the year.  At the other end of the spectrum, extremely energetic dog breeds will need more exercise throughout your travels than dogs with less energy.  Frame you plans with some reasonable expectations so your dog can stay safe and comfortable.

Minding His Manners

Whatever you intend to do, it’s important to consider your dog’s training level and the activities you’re hoping to enjoy together.  For instance, trips to outdoor eateries will be quickly spoiled by a dog who is begging from other diners. Even stopping at rest areas is far easier if your dog knows what behavior is expected from him.  Make sure your dog has a good handle on basic training before your departure, and think about any special skills you need to encourage.  For instance, you should learn basic etiquette for restaurants and dog parks before including them in your itinerary, and make sure your pooch is up to snuff so everyone can have a great time.  

There are some key elements that ensure you and your dog have a great time when you travel together.  Choose dog-friendly accommodations and activities, think about your dog’s personal limitations, and engage in appropriate training so your dog knows how to behave.  You’ll both have a marvelous time with just a handful of wise preparations.